Learn How to Meditate with Data
Explore your possibilities and level-up your data skills
DataYoga creates innovative educational projects focused on working with data in a literate way.

With our modern approach, we develop data-awareness and improve visual communication.
Data Literacy
We focus on promoting data literacy programs in leading companies in Russia and the CIS. From 2020, we have been a strategic partner of TheDataLiteracyProject together with Qlik and Accenture.

Data literacy is a key skill today. The success of a company depends on the ability of employees to work with data. Companies around the world are introducing corporate Data Literacy programs.
How to harness the power of data in your organization? How to skill up thousands of people in your organizations? How do you keep employees interested in a new knowledge area?

In partnership with the corporate universities of the world’s largest companies, DataYoga holds online educational Marathons for thousands of employees. The goal is simple: show the power of data visualization through easy-to-understand examples.
What We Do
Educational Marathons
Free online educational projects on data visualization skills. Visual literacy and data fundamentals. Theory and practice. Supportive materials.
Community Management
Networking with employees within the organization and encouraging their interest in working with data. Internal chat strategies and researches.
Our Book
Our book gathers into a single system the basic knowledge of handling data visualization named DataYoga approach. We consolidated our marathon materials, built connections between them, and highlighted areas for developing skills further.
This is not a cooking book on how to work with diagrams, but the book will be useful for everyone. Practical topics covered along the way of dashboard design, best practices and tips from data visualization experts, with a selection of practical tasks, games, and warm-ups for better understanding of dataviz.
Our Partners
Organizations that have already trusted us with data visualization training and consulting
● Contact Us
+7 925 8817777
3-24, Demiana Bednogo st.,
Moscow, Russia
Our visual cards
Visualize, communicate and share your insights